
Vojtěch Kubašta (1914-1992)

"Vojtěch Kubašta (1914, in Vienna – 1992) was a Czech architect and artist.

Vojtěch Robert Vladimír Kubašta was born in Vienna. His family moved to Prague when he was four years old and he lived there his entire life. He demonstrated his artistic talent at the age of four. He had a great desire to become an artist. His father, however, had different goals for his son. He wanted him to study law.

Nevertheless, the young Vojtěch persisted with his aspiration to become an artist and, eventually, his father agreed that his son could become an architect. The study of architecture, at that time, was considered more of an artistic undertaking than a technical discipline. Some of the great Czech master painters, graphic artists, and illustrators were lecturing at the Polytech University in Prague. Kubašta graduated with a degree in architecture and civil engineering in 1938. His career as a professional architect was short. From the early 1940s, he worked as a commercial artist, and also as a book designer. His illustrations became increasingly popular." - (Wikipedia (en) 29.11.2021)

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Illusztráció készítése Vojtěch Kubašta (1914-1992)
Írott/szerzett mű alkotása Tóth Tibor ()